The HEX is an indicator of a home’s energy performance. It is derived from monitoring the temperature at certain points over a period of time under controlled conditions.
Stack Effect “Stack Effect” is the common term used to describe the effect of excessive air leaks in the upper portions of a home, which causes underpressure
The stack effect refers to an underpressurized house, usually due to a loss of warm air to the attic space. This can be dangerous because when the air pressure
Without more information, I assume that the gas furnace is in the basement, the wood-burning fireplace on the first floor, on an exterior wall, that the home is
Unfortunately, the user manual of the Trane XR90 furnace offers no explanation of what the blinking light means that can be seen behind a small hole in the
An article recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, “Absolute humidity modulates influenza survival, transmission, and seasonality“, by Jeffrey Shaman and Melvin Kohn, confirms what